How it gets to be Friday so fast every week is beyond me! It seems there must be at least two in each week but if that were the case then there’d be two of
every other day and that is not the case. Getting through the work week to Saturdays
used to be a goal well worth looking forward to but now each Saturday that follows those fast-arriving Fridays is not welcomed
so positively. I guess it bothers both John and me so much because we see the
Fridays turning into fast-passing weeks, the weeks into months, the months into years and before we know it we are not only
past retirement but far past it!
On the other hand, instead of bemoaning the fact that Fridays seem to
come around too fast we could choose to have a grateful attitude about being able to enjoy those fast Fridays as well as make
the most of the days in between. Also at this point in our lives simply knowing
what day of the week it is can be beneficial. Too often we have to pause to think
exactly what weekday it is but we always know when Friday comes around!
Well, another Friday has come and nearly gone but with the few hours
left I need to make the most of it and get more writing done. That may be one
way my one Friday this week can last into many future Fridays as someone reads what I have written and says, “Oh! She felt this way, too!”
© Marilyn Sue Moore
Someone's playing the radio. It’s
that same old song. Actually it is a song with lovely harmony and the words create
a pleasant picture but because of it’s tremendous popularity I am tired of hearing it.
You may wonder why and I can hardly wait to tell you.
I am in my mid-teens and the song is Mockin’ Bird Hill played and sung by Les Paul and
Mary Ford. The clock radio in my room sounds forth with the beginning strains
of THE SONG just prior to my turning it off and heading down the stairs to have my breakfast.
The city in which I live has three local broadcasting stations. We have one radio in our living room that my mother has tuned to one of those stations where Mockin’
Bird Hill is playing.
Since Mamma has made such a big thing out of the fact that she loves hearing
that song I make an equally impressive stand about having heard it far too often. With
a dramatic move I turn the radio knob to another of the stations only to find that station is also playing Mockin’ Bird
Hill, also by Les Paul and Mary Ford of course!
It didn’t take but a second of hearing that for me to switch that knob to the third and final station where,
in desperation I had to give up because…you probably have guessed it by now…they were playing her song….Mockin’
Bird Hill! I did mention that it was popular that year, didn’t I?
©Marilyn Sue Moore
There is a prayer poem I have always loved that asks time to turn backward and make me a child
again. Many people seem to hold that prayer close in their hearts at this season of the year and I am no exception.
With the passing of my brother in April, the passing of my mother's younger
brother in October, and witnessing the effects of the aging processes on my mother over this past year, I realize I am losing
much of what made me who I am and made my childhood a happy life.
During the winter season I've longed to return to the small village in
Maine where I grew up; to walk where I used to walk to school, where my brothers, my friends, and I used to slide. Traffic was seldom seen on those roads so we could slide on the narrow roads and we had plenty of snow
on which to slide!
I've found myself listening to (and looking for) music that was popular
growing-up years.
In my mind, I ask, "WHY?" already knowing the answers. I do not adjust easily to change and perhaps emotionally I don't want any more changes. In reality, I know I'm an adult. When I consider all the changes
of life I recall I wouldn't ask for it to be different. I KNOW God works all
together for my good. I see that as I look over the happenings of my life...especially
the change that growing up brought and growing in love with that young man who became my best friend and wonderful
husband. Following along with that memory-trail, I see our three babies, now
all adults with wonder-full families of their own! The sharing by these families
is helping make more memories so the future looks bright!
No, in reality, I do not really want to be a child again...but, please,
just in memory, could I once more be a child for just a little while?
Thank you. God, for memories!
©Marilyn Sue Moore
I saw beauty in the remains of a dead
tree in our neighborhood today.
What had once been a sturdy living tree was now without bark but the silver-white stump gleamed
in the sun like the satin of a bridal gown. Appendages that were outstretched
towards the brilliant blue sky gave mute testimony to the tree’s demise. As
I considered the beauty in that dead tree I wondered, Is this how God saw us when we were dead in our sins? (“And ye were dead in your trespasses and sins…” Ephesians 2:1 NASV) Once that question
was in my mind my imagination took over.
I started thinking about all the good
that could come from that dead tree whose beauty had already attracted me: picture frames, wooden plaques, decorative/useful
bowls, and heat on a cold day.
I was reminded of how much more God can do with our once-dead selves. Like the picture frames we can frame His Word in our lives to deliver beauty to His world. We can be like wooden plaques and share His words in a beautiful setting.
Just as wooden bowls are useful as well as decorative we can be useful, beautiful vessels. And, as the warmth from
a fire on a chilly day, we can use God-like encouraging attitudes that can be warmth to help thaw the chilled hearts of lost
and wandering souls.
May we use the beauty in the dead trees to remind us of God’s love for the hidden beauty
in dead souls…building materials just waiting to be made into beautiful gifts for our God.
©Marilyn Sue Moore
To My Mother Because I Love Her
I have prayed to God for wisdom
And His answers here you see;
My gift is to be a giver,
As Christ gave His life for me.
I thank Him for the teaching
Earlier given me by you;
Now ‘tis mine to return by living
The Truths you brought to view.
May I help you on your journey
As you travel day by day;
May I make the paths seem sweeter
As here on earth you stay.
May I be as kind to you
As I’d have you be to me;
May I help you on your journey
‘til our Lord in Heav’n you see.
©Marilyn Sue Moore June
15, 1992
“Therefore we do not lose heart,
but though our outer man is decaying,
yet our inner man is being
renewed day by day.”
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NASB)